What sort of Ventilation services does HLA services provide?
We provide industrial and commercial Ventilation from offices, small shops and retail to automotive and manufacturing plants. We also do lots of work with Regional Universities with their new and established buildings.
How much experience and expertise does the Ventilation team have and how does this benefit HLA customers?
The Ventilation team have been working closely for a number of years now, with individuals’ experience varying from 15-40 years each. Put that all together and you’ve got a highly experienced team with hundreds of years of collective experience, which is why our customers always turn to us for advice.
We have good working relationships with all suppliers and we’re not tied to specific suppliers, and that means we’re always flexible to our customers’ needs. When a customer specifies a particular product, we are knowledgeable and we’ll offer what they have specified, but we’ll often offer an alternative choice which will more than often offer savings.
What sort/any new types of legislation should Facilities, Maintenance and Procurement Managers be aware of when it comes to Ventilation?
DW/144 legislation is recognised as the standard against which the quality of ductwork in manufacture and installation should be measured.
DW/144 Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork stipulates that leakage testing of high pressure ductwork is mandatory.
Being members of CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) means we’re constantly updated with industry changes as well as mandatory updates and training with HSE.
Are there any recent changes in technology or products which should be on the radar of facilities managers?
Regulations are changing and we have at least one update a year and customers are advised of these changes by ourselves and HSE.
If you could use 3 words to describe HLA Services Ltd to someone who didn’t know them what would they be?
Competitive, friendly, flexible.
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