What sort of Air Conditioning services does HLA services provide?
We offer a turnkey product from small to large industrial customers across 13 different services, with Air Conditioning being one of them. This means our customers feel satisfied that the services we provide to support and improve their facilities, saves them time and hassle to go to and manage lots of different suppliers.

HLA Services are accredited to the majority of leading Global manufacturers which means we offer more choice to our customers, and we deliver consistently on quality and price.
How much experience and expertise does the Air Conditioning team have and how does this benefit HLA customers?
We have many years of expertise and our key personnel can deliver the services in-house and all our engineers are trained to City and Guild 2079 standard.
We’re unbiased when it comes to equipment and parts manufacturers so work with market leaders like Daikin, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, LG and Fujitsu.
What sort/any new types of legislation should Facilities, Maintenance and Procurement Managers be aware of when it comes to Air Conditioning?
There is a growing focus on the environmental impact of refrigerants and a need for Controlled refrigeration.
HLA are members of Refcom, which runs a regulatory best practice company registration scheme for our industry to promote environmentally responsible refrigerant management.
With this in mind HLA continue to work closely with manufacturers of energy efficient climate control products. For example Air Source heat pumps use alternative more efficient heat from the environment, rather than generating it solely from traditional fuel sources such as gas, oil or LPG. They extract from the ground, air, or water which is constantly being renewed naturally.
If you could use 3 words customers would use to describe HLA what would they be?
Competitive, professional and responsive.
Sunderland FC or Newcastle United?